Choosing Cool Baby Clothes for Your Friends Baby Shower

I think my biggest fear is being invited to a baby shower for a close friend or relative. Deciding what to buy without breaking the bank isn’t an easy task. When it comes to newborn gifts, there are so many choices available from clothing to toys and all the way to essential items such as bottles and dummies.

The Choices

A few years ago a friend of mine was expecting triplets. Yes that is three babies all due at once, and so deciding what to buy for her was so difficult. All we knew is that it was two girls and one boy.

The baby shower was planned and we were all ready with our plans when I got a call from her husband to say she was in hospital and they were trying to delay the labour. Well as you can imagine, all our planning had gone out of the window.

Anyway, the babies arrived early and spent a month in hospital because they were so small and weak. So we held the baby shower without them and a little late.

The difficult task came when deciding what to buy them. The first thing we all did was buy a bag of disposable nappies each, she was going to need these and lots of them.

The next task was buying the newborn gifts. I chose three personalised new baby gifts and it worked out fantastically. Ichose really cool baby clothes, three baby grows, two pink and one blue and each one was personalised with the baby’s name.


My friend was over the moon when she opened up the personalised gifts for baby. They were special, different and something that could be kept even when they had grown up to remember how small they once were.

This became a habit and when they turned six months I did it again, I bought them all cool baby clothes with their names on, but this time it was t-shirts. What I loved is that I could give these wonderful triplets something special; they were gifts just for them and they were always well accepted and appreciated.

My friend has kept these personalised new baby gifts to remind her later on how precious they all were, all lined up in the cot next to each other with their names printed on their chests.

What I loved is that each baby grow and t-shirt that I bought for them was made from organic materials, they were made to the highest quality and best of all the printing I chose was hand printed, this meant no peeling after a few washes. As you know the cheaper printing on clothes always peels away after a couple of washes, these are still stuck in place a few years down the line, even though they are now carefully stored in a box as a memory.

Cool baby clothes make fantastic gifts for newborns; you can add your own message, turning them into personalised gifts for a baby who deserves something so unique and special.

Business On A International Level

Many companies have taken their businesses and ventured into the international business world. Seeking to expand their companies bottom line, many companies have moved their plants to various countries throughout the world. For those seeking to make this idea your reality, there are several things one must consider. The most important thing is to get a broad and extensive understanding of International Business Law. This is the standardization of fundamental business practices throughout the world. This process is believed to promote global interdependence and transcends national states by establishing economic growth worldwide. International business law was established as a result of the United States victory in World War II. After winning World War II,the United States went about establishing the process of standardizing business practices worldwide. The American trading system put several legal standards into motion hoping to create a global regime of free trade with the U.S currency being the base dollar.

At its core, international business law is a issue of self interest. By having a single legal framework to govern international transactions, significant amounts of money has been saved. If a company had to constantly modify their functioning based on individual states, the cost would be too high and doing business overseas would be pointless. International business law has provided several avenues for profiteers to navigate through its legislation. International business law, at its root, is about transcending the nation state as the only source of legal authority. International business has become significantly easier and more profitable because of two reasons. First, technological developments have made global communication and transportation relatively quick and convenient. Second, the annihilation of a substantial part of the communist world. This has opened up many of the world’s economies to private business. Generally, capital is the most mobile of all the factors of production and can move relatively easily from one nation to another. Other factors of production, such as land and labor, either do not move or are less mobile. The result is, where capital is available in one country, it may also be used to invest in other countries. This allows the savvy businessman to take advantage of another nations’ land or labor.

International business differs from domestic business primarily because of the constant environment changes afforded by nation to nation business. In business countries are divided into three main categories: the more developed, the less developed, and newly emerging economies. Each category presents a different challenge economically, as each nation has significantly different financial resources. These distinctions are based of gross domestic product per capita(GPD/capita). It should be noted that international business law is vast and extensive and should approached accordingly. However, once a reasonable understanding is acquired the possible financial payoffs priceless.

LinkedIn Automation Tools – The Best Way to Build a Highly Targeted Prospecting List Using

In order to get a competitive advantage over your competitors, you need to understand whom you are selling to, in other words, who is your target audience.

When you successfully find the right prospects, you’re one step ahead of everyone else in the market. There are many ways of building a highly targeted prospecting list; one of them is the use of LinkedIn automation tools.

Why Use LinkedIn Automation Tools to Create a Highly Targeted List of Prospects?

Before we talk about why you should use LinkedIn automation tools to laser-target prospects, it’s important to understand what exactly this is?

Targeted prospecting is using different filters either on LinkedIn or any other LinkedIn automation tool to find the right people to send them the right message at the right time.

Now back to the point,

With more than 740 million prospects, LinkedIn has become the largest hub of professionals. That’s a lot of prospects associated with different industries and niches.

Finding your ideal prospects among millions of users is challenging. Sure you can do that manually or use LinkedIn’s basic filter, but it’s not that effective and it might take you a lot of time.

With the best LinkedIn automation tools, you can easily filter out the right prospects using the advanced filters.

You cannot only reach the right prospects but also save a lot of precious time.

How to Do Prospecting the Right Way With LinkedIn Automation Tools?

A common mistake that most of the B2B marketers and salespeople make is that they run campaigns without filtering their target audience. They send connection requests and messages to thousands of random prospects which are not even industry-specific.

In turn, they get a very low or almost zero acceptance and response rate. Thus, for effective lead generation, lit is important to laser target the prospects that can be your potential clients in the future.

If you want to run campaigns or do prospecting with safety, read and execute the points below:

Target only relevant prospects
Many people think that targeting every prospect that comes into the way will give them outcomes but this is not how it works.

You need to use LinkedIn automation tools to filter out the right audience that might be interested in your product or service.

Targeting the wrong people is just a waste of time.

Don’t overdo things
Once you have filtered out a list of the ideal prospects, don’t send thousands of connect requests using LinkedIn automation tools. LinkedIn will detect your activity and you will face consequences.

Moreover, when they accept requests, don’t bombard them with sales-y messages, or else they will flag your account as spam. When this happens, LinkedIn will take an action against you, and your account might get restricted or blocked.

No doubt that LinkedIn automation tools are here to perform these tasks but being over-enthusiastic can only bring harm. No tool or technique will guarantee you 100% safe prospecting if you try to cross the line.